Alfonso OchoaWhere are the defenders of freedom?The 20th century was without any doubt, the most successful in human history. Under any metrics: economic growth, poverty levels, life…Jun 30, 20211Jun 30, 20211
Alfonso OchoaSocialism is more popular than Capitalism on MediumThe other day I went to Starbucks and I saw a kid (about 22 years old, I am in my 40s) ordering a Caramel Machiato without whip cream. When…Jun 23, 2021Jun 23, 2021
Alfonso OchoaHappy birthday to meI am one of those people who were lucky enough to celebrate his birthday right before all the madness of 2020 occurred with the pandemic…Feb 4, 2021Feb 4, 2021
Alfonso OchoaThere is no freedom without MathWhen humans learned to apply Mathematics, we experienced an economic and scientific growth. We all know the results in medicine, biology…Aug 1, 2020Aug 1, 2020
Alfonso OchoaStop lining up to be happy“Keeping up with the Joneses” is a well known term in the United States, which means falling into a consumption race that is impossible to…Aug 1, 2020Aug 1, 2020
Alfonso OchoaAre there really more possible Chess games than atoms in the Universe?I consider myself a Chess aficionado. I am not an expert nor a Grand Master. I play about ten or twenty games per week, some of them with…Jul 22, 2020Jul 22, 2020
Alfonso OchoaThis is what I learned from the JesuitsI am not a religious person. I am a catholic due to family and cultural tradition. Slowly, I started to become less religious as I started…Jul 19, 2020Jul 19, 2020
Alfonso OchoaCómo acabar con el tribalismoImagina que vives en una tribu hace una decena de miles de años. Tu comunidad alcanza apenas unas 150 personas. En ese grupo tienes acceso…Jun 14, 2020Jun 14, 2020
Alfonso OchoaLa libertad y el papel del gobiernoCada vez que ocurre un acontecimiento como la muerte del afro-americano George Floyd que sacude a la sociedad en su conjunto; me hago a la…Jun 4, 2020Jun 4, 2020
Alfonso OchoaLas crisis del 2008 y 2020¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre la crisis financiera del 2007–2008 y la crisis económica actual?May 12, 2020May 12, 2020